Thursday, February 23, 2012

What happens after we die

I think Its a Wonderful Life illustrates this pretty well.  The following clip contains the seen:

In this clip I am specifically referring to when God, Joseph and Clarence are talking. This scene would mean that after we die we go up into heaven with God and that we are not just "hanging out" but that we can actually see what is happening on earth and can ask God to intervene.  Also, since Clarence is able to come back looking exactly how he did in life, after we die we will not simply be spirits, but God will be able to restore our bodies to us.  I don't believe that we become angels, but I definitely think we will be able to see what is happening on earth and ask God to intervene. 


  1. Great Post--it's A Wonderful Life is a classic.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This post is meant to be more of a response to the question, what happens after we die and near death experiences, than to Travis's post about It's a Wonderful Life. The clip is from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. As a synopsis for right before the scene starts, Harry has been fighting against the dark lord, Volemort. Volemort has given Harry an ultimatum. He can come alone to the forrest to fight, or have all of the men women and children fighting along side of Harry killed in battle. Harry goes to face Volemort, but does so unarmed and selflessly sacrifices himself. The scene begins with Harry in what he believes to be the spirit world.

    As the scene unfolds, Harry is talking with the late headmaster, Dumbledore, a guide and father figure to Harry. This clip depicts what happens immediately after death as a bright white tunnel, as commonly depicted for near death experiences. However, this is not just a generic tunnel, it is a well known place to Harry; a cleaner Kings Cross Station. I think that where we go after we die is a more beautiful reflection of what we have experienced here on Earth. Confused, Harry asks Dumbledore where he’s supposed to go next, implying that where we go after we die is a holding place for us to make our decision about where to go next. Death, like life, happens in stages. Harry has a choice to either go back to earth and keep living, or move onward. What is beyond this holding place is not described in much detail. However, since Dumbledore comes back to speak with Harry there must be an afterlife beyond nothingness.
    One of the last lines in the scene, Harry asks Dumbledore, “is this real, or is it happening inside my head?” Dumbledore responds, " of course it is, but that doesn't make it any less real." I believe this to be true for all near death experiences. That, although they happen inside the persons head, nothing can make that experience less real for that person. However, it can be difficult to present those ideas to others without those ideas being discredited. It's like Jody Foster's character in Contact. She was skeptical until she experienced it for herself. However, even with her experience, she could not convey what she saw and make others around her believe in her.

  4. Travis, how did you get your video to show up on the page directly? I tried to paste the URL, but it didn't work.

  5. It might have been because I was creating a post instead of just commenting. I had a whole bunch of buttons/options at the top and one of them was to embed a video.
