Monday, April 23, 2012

Favorite Superhero

My favorite superhero(s) since I was a kid has been the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As it was mentioned in class, most super heros have flamboyant costumes even though their identity is a secret. It appears that they do good deeds and want to be noticed. The Ninja Turtles on the other hand must work from the shadows. They continually save New York City without anyone knowing. So, why do they do it? What reason do they have to do good if they won't be recognized for it?  The characters, while being selfless and saving the city all the time are also relatable. They are in their teenage years and beginning to question who they are. They let their emotions get the best of them at times, something that happens to all of us.
It  also was mentioned in class that a good super hero must have a nemesis that is their equal.  The ninja turtles have that as well , Shredder, a master ninja who is the head of a rival ninja gang set on rising crime in the city. In the first movie, the four turtles on their own could not defeat Shredder.  Because of their struggles, the turtles still have challenges working as a team, as they are still defeated by Shredder.  Only the turtles mentor, Splinter, was able to beat him.  In the second movie there is a second set of villians they must defeat, Toka and Razar, a wolf and turtle who have also been transformed into mutants. Toka and Razar are puppets of Shredder. In this film, the turtles finally understand teamwork and how to work together and are able to defeat the puppets as well as the master.
The turtles may be the only superheros to have a family, besides the incredibles. With the four brothers all being super, but with their own abilities they are able to keep themselves motivated. They can ask each other why they continue to fight. They have a support system, and all have the same general problems. Unlike most superheros they have someone to go to when having problems.

The atributes I find best of a superhero, selfless acts of heroism performed in secret, teamwork, fighting skills, relate-ability and a sense of humor. The ninja turtles exhibit all of these atributes, which is why they have been my heros for such a long time. There are elements of both Superman as well as Batman, making them the middle ground superhero.

The following video shows the more philosophical side of the ninja turtles.  Starting at about 3 minutes in and going until about 5:20 we see that they contemplate their origins, and the meaning of their own lives. The search for their origins and meaning drives them to do more good as explained by master Splinter.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great example, Lizzy. Amazing how these philosophical issues find their way into popular culture in such ways. Philosophy is truly the foundation of so much of our entertainment. this is a great clip. thanks for your contribution
